Black Lives Do Not Matter to American Cops

Pax Ahimsa Gethen
3 min readApr 15, 2023
A chalked message on the sidewalk reads “BLACK LIVES MATTER BLUE LIVES MURDER”. Photo by Pax Ahimsa Gethen, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

This week, news emerged of a large number of blatantly racist text messages exchanged by police officers in Antioch, California, during a stakeout of suspects. Further investigation revealed that nearly half of Antioch’s police department participated in these racist and homophobic text threads.

While the suspects’ defense attorney expressed shock and outrage at this behavior, I am, sadly, not that surprised.

I’m not surprised even though Antioch is a racially diverse city.

I’m not surprised even though Antioch has a Black mayor.

I’m not surprised even though Antioch is located in the supposedly-progressive San Francisco Bay Area.

I’m not surprised because, quite simply, Black lives do not matter to cops in this country. Even Black cops are agents…

